Corrigendum of the Programme Guide to support Ukrainians!!!
Dear partners!
Цe would like to draw your attention to the recent Corrigendum of the Programme Guide for 2023 calls for proposals! Please share this information with your international partners as soon as possible!!!
Specific priorities to support Ukrianians are added!!!
Changes related to priorities for Partnerships for Cooperation (both Cooperation Partnerships and Small-scale Partnerships)
Page 218-224: SECTOR SPECIFIC PRIORITIES of the Programme Guide 2023
Addition of sector-specific priorities in the fields of education, training and youth, in relation to in relation to supporting those affected by the war in Ukraine.
In the field of higher education:
Supporting Higher Education institutions in their cooperation with Ukrainian counterparts to respond to the war in Ukraine: This action will aim at supporting Ukraine in reshaping and re-building its higher education system, through cooperation with higher education institutions in Europe, on, among others, quality and relevance of teaching and learning accessible to a wide range of learners; innovative pedagogical approaches; student-centred, challenge-based and interdisciplinary approaches; digital and green skills; lifelong learning practices; system of qualifications; effective management practices; protection of academic values; cooperation with the innovation ecosystem; development and implementation of joint educational activities and programmes.
In the field of school education:
Supporting response of European education and training systems to war in Ukraine: This priority supports projects aiming to implement, share and promote inclusive pedagogical approaches and work-based practices targeting pupils and staff fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Projects under this priority should build on high quality standards and substantial experience in the integration of newcomers in learning and training environments. They can aim at providing language facilities, applying and expanding research, exchanging with Ukrainian institutions, exploring good practices supporting psycho-social well-being of learners and staff fleeing war, etc.
In the field of vocation education and training:
Supporting response of European education and training systems to the war in Ukraine:
This priority supports projects aiming to implement, share and promote inclusive pedagogical approaches and work-based learning practices, including apprenticeships, targeting VET learners and staff fleeing the war in Ukraine. Projects under this priority should build on high quality standards and substantial experience in the integration of newcomers in learning and training environments. They can focus on language training, integration of learners into VET, including into work-based learning and apprenticeship schemes (with support, as possible, from Ukrainian teacher and trainers fleeing the war), processes of recognition of skills and qualifications, with Ukrainian institutions, practices supporting psycho-social well-being of learners and staff fleeing war, etc.
In the field of adult education:
Supporting response of European education and training systems to war in Ukraine: This priority supports projects aiming to implement, share and promote inclusive pedagogical approaches and work-based practices targeting adult learners and staff fleeing the war in Ukraine. Projects under this priority should build on high quality standards and substantial experience in the integration of newcomers in learning and training environments. They can aim at providing language facilities, applying and expanding research, exchanging with Ukrainian institutions,  exploring good practices supporting psycho-social well-being of learners and staff fleeing war, etc.
In the field of youth:
Supporting response of the Youth field in Europe to war in Ukraine: This priority supports projects aiming to implement, share and promote inclusive approaches and practices targeting young people and youth workers fleeing the war in Ukraine and youth work providers of receiving countries actively involved in such activities. Activities should adhere to the principles of youth work, including non-formal and intercultural learning, and should contribute to promoting and understanding of human rights and democracy and to increase the capacity of participating organisations. They can aim at providing language facilities, applying and expanding research, enhancing synergies and complementarities with organisations active in the field of youth in Ukraine, exploring good practices supporting psycho-social well-being of young refugees and refugee youth workers from Ukraine, and fostering capacity-building of youth work organisations â in Ukraine and in receiving countries – etc.
Details about the calls for proposals and other relevant information.